Call for papers for the international Colloquium: The evolution of the wage and the wage problematic in the North African countries - Maghreb-Machrek since the years 1950/60

Call for papers for the international Colloquium:

The evolution of the wage and the wage problematic in the North African countries - Maghreb-Machrek since the years 1950/60
20, 21, 22 March 2017, Marrakech, Morocco

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The “Groupe de Recherche en Economie Sociale et Solidaire” of Cadi Ayyad Marrakech University and the Wage Project (Wage Analysis in a Globalising Environment), with the assistance of the International Labour Office (Offices of Rabat, Algiers and Cairo) are organizing an international symposium under the theme « The evolution of the wage and the wage problematic in the North African countries - Maghreb-Machrek since the years 1950/60 » on 20-21-22 March 2017 at the Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco

General context and Project WAGE:
Since the 1980s, there has been a slowdown in economic growth in Europe and in the incomes of its employees/workers. However, wages play a definite role in the economy because they account for 50% of gross domestic product in Western Europe and the advanced countries, 70% of household income and employees themselves account for 90% of the working population.
In France, the average net monthly wage is about 2,000 €, but there are large differences between individuals. These are generally explained by differences in qualifications, age, gender, size of enterprise or economic sector (industry, finance, commerce, public services). Some differences represent inequalities according to the work performed.
There are also large average wage differentials within Europe (around 1 to 3) and between Europe and emerging countries (1 to 7). These differences contribute to explaining part of the migration movements towards Europe.
In 2015, a group of researchers (about forty) was formed to reflect on the main wage issues. This took the name WAGE, standing for Wage Analysis in a Globalized Environment. It already has a dozen European universities (Paris, London, Arras-Lille, Amsterdam, Padua, etc.), associates economists, historians and soon sociologists. About ten members represent other continents (Morocco, Uruguay, India, Malaysia, Russia, etc.).
WAGE is supported by the International Labor Organization (Geneva), which is the UN agency responsible for labour issues (business relations, working conditions, etc.).
It is also supported by the MESHS of Lille, having obtained funding from the (French) National Research Agency (2015-17) and the Community of Universities of Nord-Pas-de-Calais. WAGE is envisaging a European project between 2017 and 2019
It is developing five main lines of research: youth salaries, women's wages, global or regional wage convergence (gradual approximation of average wages between countries), wages and migration, the possibility of a decent wage
It plans to create a website dedicated to wages, an inventory of wage publications and archives on their history, an international database on wages, policy briefs and recommendations for companies, employees and public authorities with a more positive wage strategy in view.
The work is intended to contribute to the alleviation of wage inequalities in general

Main theme of the symposium with call for papers: 

The evolution of the wage and the wage problematic in the North African countries - Maghreb-Machrek since the years 1950/60

Issue, wage in North-Africa
1. Evolution of average wages and their dispersion patterns since the 1950s / 60s
2. Relations between qualification and wages (especially for young people and women).
3. Role of the wage differentials in migratory processes (internal / external).

The Arab and North African countries have a number of specific wage characteristics: a certain heterogeneity and an unequal differentiation of the available data, an annual average increase since the 2000s higher than that of the advanced countries, but lower than that of emerging countries (especially in Asia), a significant gender wage gap, a rather increasing Gini coefficient, constant interference through migratory issues within national labour markets, the strained question of youth employability and wages, some complex components in industrial relations

Wage issues in the region concerned deserve to be further developed and systematized. The successive versions of the World Wage Report, biennial since 2008, Geneva, ILO, regularly mention the need for better documentation for the MENA area (see: ILO, Global Wage Report for 2016/2017, December 2016, downloadable online)
We can cite some works, mostly written in economics but sometimes including a sociological or historical dimension:
Analyses by country: Kouider Boualid, « Les politiques des salaires, poursuivies en Algérie : une quête contrariée d’efficience », online, 2012. Pierre-Richard Agénor, Karim El Aynaoui, « Politiques du marché du travail et chômage au Maroc : une analyse quantitative », Revue d’Economie du Développement, 2005, Vol. 13, p. 5-51. Mohamed Jellal, « Maroc, salaire minimum, emploi et pauvreté », Avril 2011, in “Morocco minimum wage employment and poverty”, Al Makrîzî, Institut d’Economie, Munich Personal RePEc Archives, 2012, 21 p, online. Mohammed Ali Marouani, « Ouverture commerciale et emploi : un modèle d’équilibre général avec salaires d’efficience appliqué à la Tunisie », Revue Economique, 2005/5/1, p. 557-569. Fatma El-Hamidi, “Trade Liberalization, Gender Segmentation and Wage Discrimination: Evidence from Egypt”, 2008, updated version 2016,

Comparative analyses: Mona Said, “Wage Differentials during Economic Reform and Crisis: evidence from Egypt and Jordan”, Comparative Economic Studies, March 2012, Vol. 54, p. 65-101
More general analyses of income or inequality: Bibi, S and Nabli, M, “Income inequality in the Arab region: Data and measurement, patterns and trends”, Middle East Development Journal 1 (2), 2009, p. 275–314, Racha Ramadan, Vladimir Hlasny and Vito Intini, “Inequality Decomposition in the Arab Region: Application to Jordan, Egypt, Palestine and Tunisia”, 4th February 2016, Working paper, 2016. Mthuli Ncube, John Anyanwu and Kjell Hausken, “Inequality, Economic Growth, and Poverty in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), African Development Bank Group, Working Paper Series, n°195, December 2013
Analyses of relations of wages to other variables: Said, M., and El-Hamidi, F. (2005), “Wage Inequality by Education and Sector: Contrasting the Egyptian and Moroccan Experiences in the 1990s”, Twelfth Annual Conference of Economic Research Forum, Cairo December 19-21 2005.

Methodological precisions for speakers
Topic (extension):
-    Field: All approaches to the wage issue will be taken into account: wage developments, wage statistics, wage distribution (Gini-Lorenz, inter-deciles gaps), wage negotiations within industrial relations, youth wages, women's wages, migrant wages. Wage strategy of companies, wage policy of the State or public authorities, existence of a social wage or social wage supplements, possibly wage monographs for a large company, sector, town/urban area or region
-    Geography: The Arab countries of North Africa, from Morocco to Egypt and the Arab League countries on the African continent (including Mauritania, Sudan, Somalia). Paper/presentation proposals on the northern Sahelian belt (Mali, Niger and Chad) will be examined with interest. Those planned on the Middle East (within a Turkey-Iran-Yemen triangle) will be postponed to the 2018 symposium which will take place within Middle-East itself
-    Periodisation and approaches: Will be welcome including recent economic approaches since the 1990s, historical approaches since 1950-60, taking into account the phase of independence, sociological approaches to wage issues

-    Submission of papers proposals before 28 February 2017
-    one page, maximum two, with short CV indications (post, field of research, one or two publications)
-    Final decision on the selected proposals: 05 March 2017
-    Submission of a summary and PowerPoint presentation by the communicants to the organizers: March 18, 2017
-    Symposium: 20-22 March 2017

Submissions should be sent jointly to the following contacts.
Pr. Michel-Pierre Chélini, Université d’Artois :
Pr. Aomar Ibourk, Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech :

Location: Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech, Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Economiques et Sociales, Daoudiate B.P. 2380, 40000 Marrakech, Morocco

Supported: totally or partially(according to the number of proposals) given to transportation costs, accommodation, with particular account taken of the financial capacities of PhD candidates and young colleagues

Steering Committee:
. Jabrane Amaghouss, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco
. Driss Assi,Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco
. Bouchra Bakhouya,Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco
. Belaid Bouikhalene,Université Sultan Moulay Slimane, Beni Mellal, Morocco
. Amine Chamkhi, GRES/DARES, Paris, France
. Michel-Pierre Chélini,Université d’Artois, Arras, France
. Roqia Cherkaoui, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco
. Mohammed El Mansouri, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco
. ElMostafa Hettabi, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco
. Aomar Ibourk, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco
. Mourad Maarouf, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco
. Abdelkahar Zahid, Université Sultan Moulay Slimane, Beni Mellal, Morocco

Scientific Committee:
. Mohammed Abdouh,Université Moulay Ismaïl (UMI) de Meknès, Morocco
. Driss Assi,Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco
. Mourad Bentahar, Directeur,Observatoire National de l’Emploi, Morocco
. Houcine Berbou,Université Hassan 1er, ENCG, Settat, Morocco
. Leonid Borodkin, State University of Moscow, Russia
. Mohammed Bougroum, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco
. Stéphane Callens, Université d’Artois, Arras, France
. Maria Camou, University of the Republic, Montevideo, Uruguay
. Michel-Pierre Chélini, Université d’Artois, France
. Linda Clarke, University of Westminster, London, UK
. Idriss El Abbassi, Université Mohammed V - Agdal, Rabat, Morocco
. BernardGauthier, HEC Montréal, Canada
. Hamma MohamedLemine Abdelkader, Mauritania
. Abdelmajid Ibenrissoul, ENCG, Casablanca, Morocco
. Aomar Ibourk, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco
. Abid Ihadiyan, Faculté des sciences juridiques, économiques et sociales, Tanger, Morocco
. El Mustapha Kchirid, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco
. Ayache Khellaf, Directeur de la Prévision et de la Prospective,Haut-Commissariat au Plan, Morocco
. Abdeslam Marfouk, IWEPS, Belgium
. Saïb Musette, Directeur, Centre de Recherche en Economie Appliquée pour le Développement, Algeria
. Mohammed El Haj Tirari, Institut National de Statistique et d'Economie Appliquée, Rabat, Morocco
. Ahmed Tritah, Université du Maine, France
. Remzi Uctum, Directeur associé de Recherches, Economie, Université Paris Ouest/CNRS, Paris-Nanterre, France
. Bas Van Leeuwen, University of d’Utrecht/International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam, Netherlands
. Mahmoud Yagoubi, INTES, Tunis, Tunisia

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