Articles à lire
Formes Fonctionnelles et Paramétrisation dans les MCEG
Nabil Annabi, John Cockburn,
Bernard Decaluwé
This study focused on the
choice of functional forms and their parametrization (estimation of free
parameters and calibration of other parameters) in the context of CGE models.
Various types of elasticities are defined, followed by a presentation of the
functional forms most commonly used in these models and various econometric
methods for estimating their free parameters. Following this presentation of
the theoretical framework, we review parameter estimates used in the
literature. This brief literature review was carried out to be used as a
guideline for the choice of parameters for CGE models of developing countries.
Functional Forms and Parametrization of CGE Models (PDF Download Available).
Available from:
[accessed Apr 19, 2016].
[accessed Apr 19, 2016].
To cite this article : Annabi, N., Cockburn, J., & Decaluwé, B. (2003).
Fonctionnelles et Paramétrisation dans les MCEG. CRÉFA, Université Laval.