Demdoumi, M. (2016). La gestion structurelle des déficits jumeaux au Maroc et la recherche d’une stratégie d’équilibre
La gestion structurelle des déficits jumeaux au Maroc et la recherche d’une stratégie d’équilibre
Demdoumi Merie
Demdoumi Merie
Abstract: During these last years, Morocco has almost always known at the same time a budget deficit and a current account deficit. So we can conclude prematurely the existence of a structural problem of twin deficits over a long period. The article introduces in addition to the two balances, the variable transfers of MREs - second source of foreign currency after the tourist returns - as a participatory variable to the equilibrium of the current transactions and verify the hypothesis of the twin deficits using econometric tools, notably the method of Co-integration - to test the long-term relationship - and the method of Granger causality - to know the direction of causality -. The results confirm the twin deficits hypothesis for Morocco for the period from 1980 to 2014 and show bidirectional causality between the variables and the lack of a balanced strategy.
Keywords: Twin deficit, Transfers of MREs, Co-integration, Granger causality, Balanced strategy.
To cite this article : Demdoumi, M. (2016). La gestion structurelle des déficits jumeaux au Maroc et la recherche d’une stratégie d’équilibre [Structural management of twin deficits in Morocco and Finding an equilibrium strategy] (No. 71533). University Library of Munich, Germany.
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