Youssef Oukhallou

Youssef Oukhallou
Mohammed V University – Rabat, Morocco 
President of the Moroccan Organization for Young Decision Makers (OMJD), Morocco

Titre de la thèse :
Economic growth, bonds premium and fiscal policy analysis: Evidence from a new keynesian DSGE model

Encadrant de la thèse :
Lahcen Oulhaj

Publications :
OUKHALLOU, Y. (2016). Analyzing Economic Growth: What Role for Public Investment?. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 3(1), 71-99.

Mémoire du Master :
Abla Mrabti & Youssef Oukhallou, (June 2011), A New Keynesian Reduced-form Model for Monetary Policy Analysis in Morocco. Laboratoire d’Économie Appliquée (Labea). Master des Sciences Économiques (MSE).  FSJES Agdal. Université Mohammed V-Rabat.

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